Bevis Marks Workshops

Pascal Theatre Company presents a series of three drama led workshops that examine the history of Sephardi Jews who came to England during the seventeenth century and beyond. Each workshop will cover different aspects of Sephardi history and culture.

The workshops are free and also include a tour of the venue, Bevis Marks Synagogue, London. The workshops run 10am – 12pm.

Book now as places are limited.

Sunday 20th January 2019
HIDING, SECRECY AND REVEALING – The Crypto Jews. This workshop looks at the history of the Crypto Jews: these were Jews who hid their identity and lived as Christians.

To book tickets click here.

Sunday 27th January 2019
NOVO CEMETERY – This workshop looks at the history of the Novo Cemetery in Queen Mary University, Mile End and will use drama to engage with, and explore, some of the stories and lives of the people buried there.

To book tickets click here.

Sunday 3rd February 2019
A REIMAGINED TIME LINE – Adding in Sephardi Hidden Histories. This workshop looks at the English history taught in many schools and the significant dates and events included in historical timelines. We will explore the histories that are hidden in the traditional narrative.

To book tickets click here.

Don’t forget to sign up to our mailing list to receive news about other workshops, volunteering opportunities and performances, and to discover hidden secrets and stories of Sephardi culture that have enriched the English way of life for centuries.